If they are commodities, manufactured by large corporations, and if we do not know the labor practices of these corporations (the materials they use, how they secure them, what kinds of wages and benefits their workers receive), if we do not understand them...
then our identity is as much theirs as it is ours.

Then again, I can't say that Pauly isn't Pauly.
Cause even with your silly name,
(made by MTV, it is, your name!)
and your desire to look mas-cu-lain,
(those muscles and hookups all over your brain!)
and your sameness to others (again & again!)
I now know you, and know that you are different,
more than even your product you are different.
Because you sigh and desire to be good like the others,
in your particular way you sigh and give way to the others.
You are like a boy.
In your hair we find the answer to you,
but if we ask ourselves we know it's not the hair that makes it you
it's something single that you do.
It's the who that Pauly learns
and can't undo.

But Pauly, D.ear,
they have you!! through and through.
(Feel free to include that me inside of you.)
Because even with me, there's my Klean Kanteen
(which when representing me, my students drew)
that I carry and advertise for unintentionally,
like you I carry around commodities
and am no better.
Lest you think I am better than you,
I am no better.